Hi SCS Alumni,
I’m thrilled you’re here.
As you probably know by now, I am in love with seeing how amazing we can create our lives to be.
I believe in constantly challenging and stretching ourselves, not because we need to prove our worth but because we are worthy.
I am awed by possibility, excitement and life itself!
Yet …
I often see Slim, Chic & Savvy ladies post about a challenge that seems so difficult to navigate, but I know they are just one mental shift away from changing everything.
I want to continue to support the ladies of Slim, Chic & Savvy who want to go even deeper and create even grander results (whatever that looks like for you).
After years of SCS ladies asking me for an affordable way to continue their journey, I have created something SO special (and dear to my heart).

In the SCS Society, we refuse to be stuck in our lives, because we know:
We are always one decision away from changing everything!
The SCS Society are women who …

A Society of Women Like No Other!
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And you are the first to be invited!


A monthly membership for
Slim Chic & Savvy Alumni
As I grow and evolve, this is where I will share all the new concepts and tools I have learned in my continuous evolution.
Here’s what you can expect each month:

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As long as you’re an SCS Society member, you will receive access to any bonus that I add to the main program, which means you will receive access to:

The Slim Masterclass
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In this 15-module masterclass, I’ll share everything I know about how to lose weight from the inside out. I’ll go into the nuts and bolts of mindset and roll back the curtains on how I approach my personal diet. This is information I’ve never released to the public.

TL Talks
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I am creating a library of TL talks to help you stay in your Sweet Spot.
Feeling overwhelmed?
The scale not budging?
I’ve got you! These will be short pep talks to help stay on your game.
In case you’re wondering what kind of topics I’ll be covering, here’s what I have on the agenda:
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- Setting wild and crazy goals (just because it’s fun)
- Money mindset
- Elegant productivity
- Showing up in style
- Making Self-Care a non-negotiable
- Creating confidence
- How to deal with failure
- Creating a personal brand
- Managing your emotions
- Infusing your life with more fun and pleasure
*Note: when you join now, you are "grandmothered" in at this price as long as you are active in the Society.
In the past, I’ve charged thousands of dollars for a similar program, but I’m offering the SCS Society at a fraction of the cost because I want to say “thank you” for being one of the SCS originals and I want to continue to support you.
If you join The SCS Society before May 1st, you can get in at a one-time offer of $97/month or $997/year before we close the doors.
When the doors reopen (we don't know when that will be next), the price will increase.
Once you join, that’s your monthly rate for as long as you choose to stay, it will NEVER increase for you as long as you are active.
You can cancel at any time, but you will not be able to re-join at your “New SCS” rate.
Are you ready to continue your Slim, Chic & Savvy journey?
*Note: when you join now, you are
"grandmothered" in at this price as long as
you are active in the Society.
Here’s what I envision:
- Setting crazy goals and leaving ourselves in awe of what we’re capable of
- Taking such exquisite care of ourselves that our bodies become reflections of our self-love and respect
- Dressing up in our own style and telling the world who we are … one outfit at a time
- Leaving limitations in the dust
- Creating relationships that have “love” written all over them
- Having schedules that match our desires
- Monthly reports of upgrades, celebrations, and dreams coming true
I am always adding bonuses to the SCS program. As a society member, these will all be yours as long as you remain a member.
If you want to continue having the support and coaching from me + dive deeper into topics I’ve been dying to share, now is your time.
This will be an intimate group where I’ll share my personal challenges and how I’m overcoming them.
This will be like having me in your back pocket each month.
I am committed to building a body of work within this membership program that will impact the lives of thousands of women.
It’s going to be FABULOUS!
I’ve already decided.
And, when we decide, the world starts working in our favor.
Are you ready to decide to be a founding member and continue your SCS journey?
Click the button below to join us!
With Love,
*Note: when you join now, you are "grandmothered" in at this price as long as you are active in the Society.

Copyright 2020 French Kiss Life, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright 2020 French Kiss Life, Inc. All rights reserved.